Monday, January 19, 2009


I play on the Skyview Freshman Basketball team and it is a blast!!! I love everyone on my team, love my coach!! trish is a blast minus when she makes us run our butts off!!! I love her husband shawn he helps me with my shooting quite often!! haha we are UNDEAFEATED!!!!! :) we are doing just AMAZING!! haha im a starter play almost all of the games!!! I sprained my wrist snowboarding and trish was not so happy bout that!! cuz i did it on a sunday and we played moutain crest that following tuesday!!! :( but i was fine got to play in that game!! WE KILLED THEM it was great and i fouled out!!! haha opps! but thats the great update on Basketball and im very very very excited for SOFTBALL!!! :)

Cami came to VISIT!! :)

Cami came up to visit!!! it was a blast.. i never knew i could miss a person as much as her! wow it was great to see her and ryan and the kids... Well anyways we went to the aggie game with them!! it was soooo much much fun.. we played boise state it was the best! we made signs and we got on the screen a TON!! glad they came up cant wait to see you sooon!! i hope :)